Rwanda: 1994 and Post-Genocide

Rwanda is a small nation in East Africa.

Capital: Kigali

Figures depicting Tutsi death toll in 1994

In 1994, it is estimated that around 500,900 Tutsis were killed.

This is approximately 77% of the Tutsi population.

However, Rwanda is more than its genocide.

Hover on each box to learn about what makes Rwanda an amazing nation today.

The official language of Rwanda is Kinyarwanda.

The last Saturday of every month is dedicated to mandatory community service. The day is called Umuganda, and it means “working together”.

Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world: it is ranked #9 by the World Economic Forum.

Since 2003, Rwanda has consistently had the highest proportion of women in parliament in the world, with women making up 64%.

In 2008, Rwanda became one of the first countries to ban plastic bags completely.

Since 2018, Rwanda has used drones to deliver blood and medical equipment. Doctors in rural areas can order such supplies by text message and have them delivered by a drone.

Rwanda has some of the lowest CO2 emissions in the world (Ranked 6th-lowest in 2020 when measured by metric tons per capita).

In 2017, The United Nations nominated Kigali (Rwanda’s capital) as the most beautiful city in Africa.

Rwanda is one of just 3 countries where you can see mountain gorillas.

Information collected from Facts Institute, The Culture Trip, Multicultural Kids Blog, and Medium.

Photos from first to sixth by CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture, YoungRoby, Derek Keats, CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture, DFID - UK Department for International Development, and Paul Kagame.